Friday, August 28, 2009

2 old MS Paint outputs...

1. Take MS Paint.
2. Take one bored Sanmitra.
3. Mix and blend well.
4. Click on 'Save to Disk Permanently'(unless you do that, the creation will be lost forever, and I mean forever. It happened once that I didn't click on 'Save to Disk Permanently', and I lost the work of art :'(. There' s no recover, no undo, no nothing. Gone forever. Like it never existed. Consider yourself warned.)

PS: MS Paint does not suck!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 songs for friend...

2 songs for my friend who went through a good break up [which is bad because it makes it even harder for her to hate the guy or forget him since he wasn't really mean to her and plus in her opinion he looks very cute and has this innocent look always on his face and doesn't hurt birds and saves kitties from trees still and... eeks sorry]:
Song No. 1
Song No. 2

And try not to hear this song:
Song No. 3
[Which I'm stuck on unfortunately :P].

PS: more songs

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2 beautiful compositions...

Meditation (from Thais ) - Jules Massenet.
Claire De Lune (from Suite Bergamasque)- Claude Debussy.

[The best links I could find on youtube for these.
Ideally to be heard:
with your eyes closed and most importantly,
in pitch darkness].

PS: Again, I have been proved wrong... hitherto I dismissed classical music to be too boring, too slow, too wordless.